Monday, January 17, 2011

A True Adventure

I just saw the third Narnia for my second time tonight, and i can't help but think of what intrigues me so about magic. Narnia, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings all have these intense story-lines that revolve around magic and i have fallen in love with all of them. some parts of each more than others and there are parts of all of them i don't particularly like at all. but overall i can't help just wanting to be there, in some magical land having adventures of my own. i want to face my own dragons and overcome my weaknesses while epically dueling with a sword, or bow and arrows, or a wand(or perhaps all three). but as I look at life i find it is an adventure in itself, you just have to work at your weaknesses and find your strengths, discover passions and if you want dragons read a book! and dream. anyone can find adventure and beauty in their lives, they just have to believe.

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